It has been ages since I have updated here. Lets just say, I had a lot going on in life that needed a whole lot of attention that I had to set the books aside for a bit. But I am back; I have been reading on and off, completed few books and didnt complete another few. But after the visit to a dear library yesterday, I think I have my mojo back and here is my library loot list ---
the silence of splendor - Indu sundereshan
the weight of heaven - thrity urmigar
The class - eric segal
What I have read in the past few months -
Maximum city - Suketu Mehta
This book literally made me laugh, cry and cringe for most of it. It was one of the most truth-as-is books I have read in my life. I would recommend it to anyone from Bombay or anyone who wants to know about Bombay in its absolute realism.
Eat pray love - Liz ( that's how surreal she seems now )
I finished this book as an audio book as I drove and did my running. May I say, its my second favorite to 'god of small things'. there was something so inspiring and free spirited about her flow of words and writing.. I was hooked. I am sure to read the book again and then a lengthy review, i Promise!
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
My second fav Austen. S & S being the first. Was reading it for the umpteenth time and this time as an audio book again.. I am loving the whole audio book concept now. Lets me be with the words even when I am doing other things! You must give it a try. Makes exercising and cooking a lot of fun!
And a few more I never completed or got started.. So all that pending ones are going to a make my upcoming reviews and hopefully I am more regular.
Until the next review!